Another Metal Podcast Episode 71

Another Metal Podcast Episode 71

Oct 16

Have you ever thought it weird that we listen to loud horrendous-sounding music for entertainment? Me neither, so here’s a big ol’ helping of the stuff. This week’s batch of new heavy metal comes from the US, Finland, Spain, Sweden, Russia, Costa Rica, New Zealand, and Canada.

Another Metal Podcast Episode 70

Another Metal Podcast Episode 70

Oct 02

Guess what’s on this week’s episode of AMP? If you guessed brutal new music you’re absolutely right, but that doesn’t make you smart; this is a heavy metal podcast and the closest I get to easy listening is atmospheric black metal.

Another Metal Podcast Episode 69

Another Metal Podcast Episode 69

Sep 26

Does the brutality ever end? No, and that’s why you get this two-hour hot mess every week, full of brand-new heavy metal from every nook and cranny on the globe. This week’s batch of fresh heaviness comes from the lands of the US, UK, Greece, Northern Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Australia, Canada, Finland, Iceland, and Columbia.

Another Metal Podcast Episode 68

Another Metal Podcast Episode 68

Sep 18

The title says it all; here’s another batch of new heavy metal from nooks and crannies all over the globe. Such nooks and crannies include Canada, Northern Ireland, Italy, US, Australia, Poland, Peru, Nepal, Cuba, Sweden, Romania, Germany, and Brazil.

Another Metal Podcast Episode 67

Another Metal Podcast Episode 67

Sep 11

One end of the country is drowning in hurricanes and the other is on fire; it’s a mess out there. Good thing we always have new music releases to practice our heavy metal escapism with. This week’s batch of loudness hails from the US, Brazil, Israel, Canada, Australia, Sweden, Finland, Austria, UK, Catalonia, and Poland.

Another Metal Podcast Episode 66

Another Metal Podcast Episode 66

Aug 29

It was a weird week, with eclipses, big fights, and hurricanes so how about something a little more reliable? Like a whole lot of brutal new music to feed your tinnitus with.

Another Metal Podcast Episode 65

Another Metal Podcast Episode 65

Aug 22

I think much of my disappointment in the solar eclipse today can be blamed on heavy metal. In metal songs an eclipse signals demonic hordes, loss of sanity, the swallowing of the world, or at the very least a spooky prophecy. All I got was a sunspot on my eye (two pairs of sunglasses should have been enough, right?).

Another Metal Podcast Episode 64

Another Metal Podcast Episode 64

Aug 16

Here’s this week’s slab of new heavy metal, there’s doom, death, and destruction to be had so crank the speakers. This batch comes from the US, UK, Sweden, Canada, Finland, and Spain.

Another Metal Podcast Episode 63

Another Metal Podcast Episode 63

Aug 08

I hope you’re ready for brutal, because this week’s episode hardly has any ‘nice’ songs at all. This is a pretty deathy, doomy, and blackened two hour set of new heavy metal coming from the US, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Canada, France, Siberia, Netherlands, Chile, UK, and Australia.

Another Metal Podcast Episode 62

Another Metal Podcast Episode 62

Aug 01

Guess what this week’s episode of the metal podcast is full of? Metal, that’s what. And its coming from the US, UK, Russia, Germany, Norway, Canada, Siberia, Iran, Ukraine, Finland, Sweden, and the Netherlands so crank those speakers and give yourself tinnitus.

Another Metal Podcast Episode 61

Another Metal Podcast Episode 61

Jul 24

I hope you didn’t mind the week off from the podcast, but we only get about 8 days of true summer here in the Pacific Northwest and I’ll be damned if I’m going to miss ’em. But the show is back and this week’s batch of ugly comes from the US, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Finland, Sweden, Canada, Switzerland, Germany, UK, Greece, and Texas (they appreciate being called a country).

Another Metal Podcast Episode 60

Another Metal Podcast Episode 60

Jul 11

Sixty is a big number isn’t it? We’ll just pretend that it is, even though I’m not doing anything special. I had been doing a sort of ‘top picks’ thing every twenty episodes, but since the whole point of the podcast is having new music every week I’m just going to stick with regular episodes instead of playing tracks you already heard five months ago.