

For Bands and Labels:

I will consider any material sent my way for review/previewing as long as you follow the basic considerations that most all review sites ask for.

  • Include a proper promo sheet; this should contain who you are as a band (or who you are representing), pertinent details on your release (date, formats, genres, etc), and any relevant links to websites. If your e-mail consists on one line saying “Hey, I’m in a band, can I haz review?” you’re pretty much guaranteed an insta-delete.
  • Downloadable links to your music (NO ATTACHMENTS!). This can be done through many different platforms like a Bandcamp link, Dropbox, Soundcloud, etc.


Another Metal Podcast

AMP is a one-hour heavy metal podcast focused on indie/unsigned/underground/small label bands. If you would like your music considered for inclusion simply follow the guidelines above with the additional step: Indicate in your e-mail’s subject line that you are submitting for the podcast AND acknowledge in the e-mail that you are the owner of the music’s copyright and publishing rights (I cannot play music without the express permission of the music’s owners). If you are a publicist/manager, acknowledge that you are entitled to give that permission on account of the band/label.


Send submissions to:

anothermetalreviewblog [at] gmail [dot] com

For basic inquiries you can use the form below.


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